Saturday, April 10, 2010

So, its just been toooo crazy!

Well I had promised myself I'd blog more but we have honestly been WAY too crazy around here.

1. Ball has started. Practice practice practice....lets cross our fingers for no broken noses this year!
2. Brady finally went to his GI specialist in OKC Thursday. I'll spare you all the horrible details but hopefully we'll start getting some poopy diapers more often (I know most mommys wouldn't hope for this but its been rough)
3. Its been BEAUTIFUL outside! The boys and I spend our evenings outside...playing, swinging, jumping on the trampoline....its been great
I had my nephews one evening and they all had a great time playing.....check out Bradys hair lol
4. Last but NOT least. Joby quit the phone company!! HUGE life change for us. Goodbye close employment and goodbye free insurance! We've debated going full time lawn care for about two years now but its just been so scary. Right after he gave his notice with the phoco he got a huge contract with a company that mows forclosed properties. So sadly, we make our income from people losing their homes. Its great though for us, Jobys spent some good quality time driving in the Titan this past week going from town to town and has had some pretty big fights with our dear friend Tom Tom. Once he gets home I get the lucky job of downloading the hundreds of pics he taken, filing them, and then emailing them. I'm starting to think if it stays as busy as this I will have to quit by part time-part time job. Well at least try again....I'm not sure Bob will let me go lol.

5. Well I dont really have any more excuses for not blogging other than these two guys....I think they are a pretty good excuse though!

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